Club Members,

I can’t believe that the end of the Cruise Season is approaching. It’s unbelievable how many canceled Cruise nights we have had this year due to the weather. When the weather was good we had great turnouts. I want to thank everyone who came out and supported us and our 50/50. I really want to thank all the vendors at the Swap Meet a few weeks ago. We had a great turnout. We have our Halloween Cruise night Oct. 25 which is our last Cruise Night of the season. Please bring wrapped candy for the Trick or Treaters.

Although our Cruise Nights are ending we are still going strong with our 2 most important shows of the year. Nov. 10th is our Veterans Appreciation Car Show. This is the car show not to miss with our tribute to the Veterans. Be sure to follow all the informaKon in the NewsleOer about what is needed to make this annual show a success. Our last show of the year is a big one too. It is our annual car show and auction (no cars) on Dec. 15th. We are in need of any items that you would like to donate to help us support the Greater Maryland Alzheimer’s Association with our auction. We also need baked goods and raffle baskets.

I hope everyone had a good time at Endless Cruisin’ Ocean City. If you were fortunate enough to win an award, I congratulate you. It’s always great to see so many of our members representing the Club. As you end out the year with as many shows as you can fit in, please be safe and have a good time. See you at the lot.

“Built or bought who cares? Keep Crusin’. Keep the dream alive” – Mike Pilkerton
Mike Pilkerton
President, SSoMD

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Mike Schulte was a Street Survivor Member. We extend our deepest sympathy and prayers to Cheryl and Family. See MoreSee Less
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Happy New Year from the Street Survivors of MD! See MoreSee Less
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Thanks to everyone who attended our final show of the year Dec. 15. The show was great and thanks to all your support we raised over $2500.00 for Alzheimer’s at the auction. Thanks for a great year and see you in April. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. See MoreSee Less
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